Poll: What would you like to learn about?

by kombucha.jas | Polls

It is with great pleasure to ask our friends and family what they would like to learn more about. Please take this survey and let us know what you think! All answers are anonymous, so if you're a security freak, you can sleep at night :). The goal of the survey is to make sure you are involved in the process. We want to make sure you are happy and entertained. We'd love to put a smile on your face! Click here to do the survey.

A screenshot of our Google Forms survey

You have four different options to choose from. You may be wondering.. how is hard kombucha made? You may also be wondering what kind of winter kombucha recipes we know about. Did you know that there are salad dressing made with kombucha? And last but not least, how does carbination occur in kombucha? Well, you get to decide what we write about! Don't forget to do the survey.

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